I am not a huge fan of bank-generated visuals to analyze my spending habits. My bank breaks up expenses into murky categories such as bills and utilities, shopping, other, and un-categorized. As a result, I began tracking all my expenses in a spreadsheet to better capture data. This includes month, vendor, amount, and expense category for every purchase. To explore this data, I used a heat map and a waffle chart.
Here’s a look at how to use Python to create heat maps and waffle charts for spending habit data.
Libraries and packages I utilized for my spending data include pandas, NumPy, matplotlib, seaborn and pywaffle. I upload my data from a CSV and turn it into a dataframe using pandas.
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sb from pywaffle import Waffle %matplotlib inline df = pd.read_csv('2018_expenses.csv')
Heat Map of Number of Purchases
Heat maps display numerical trends using a sequential scale of color intensity. Below, I graph number of purchases across spending categories and organize the information by month.
I customize the graph to have annotations on each block and color the area using the seaborn color palette ‘rocket’ set to be reversed in shading by adding ‘_r’. An additional argument (‘annot_kws’) adjusts the text size of the annotations. Other features clean up the axes labels and name the tick labels accordingly.
ct_counts=ct_counts.pivot(index='month', columns='category', values='count')
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax=sb.heatmap(ct_counts, annot=True, cmap='rocket_r', annot_kws={"size":14})
plt.title('Number of Monthly Expenses', fontsize=16)
ax.set_xticklabels(['Business', 'Education', 'Entertainment', 'Food', 'Health', 'Other', 'Transportation'])
ax.set_yticklabels(['April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], rotation=0);
The heat map shows my most frequent purchases are on food, entertainment, other, and transportation. Categories such as business and health have the lowest frequency of purchases. Across months, purchases are fairly similar with only between 1 and 9 purchases per spending category.
Waffle Chart of Total Spending
Waffle charts display values in congregated squares and are an alternative to pie charts. Formatting options allow for a varied number of columns and rows. I stuck with ten columns with ten rows, with each square to represent one percent out of a total one hundred. This allows for a simple breakdown of where my money went. I created a dictionary of values for this example, rather than using my pandas dataframe.
data={'Education':63, 'Entertainment':9, 'Other':8, 'Health':7, 'Food':6, 'Transportation':4, 'Business':3} fig=plt.figure( FigureClass=Waffle, rows=10, values=data, colors=('indianred', 'lightsalmon', 'peachpuff', 'darkkhaki', 'cadetblue','paleturquoise', 'lightsteelblue'), title={'label': 'Total Spending by Category', 'loc': 'center'}, labels=["{0} ({1}%)".format(k, v) for k, v in data.items()], legend={'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.1, 1)} ) fig.set_tight_layout(False) plt.show();
The waffle chart shows most of my spending was on education and the other categories were all under 10% of total expenses.